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Phase 2 – Are You Feeling Hamstrung by Your Hamstrings?

A Guide to Reducing Hamstring Cramping During Exercise

Okay, hopefully the last couple weeks have been enlightening for you as you have been working to find the proper glute activation. If you missed out on our last blog post, make sure to check out phase 1 before continuing on with the exercises in this phase. 

Now that we’ve identified how to get a proper glute activation we can begin to USE the glutes in more athletic positions. Scroll down and continue your journey to build strong glutes and kick those hamstring cramps to the curb!

Phase 2: USE the glutes

Exercise #1 – Double/Single Leg Hinge

Double Leg Hinge

Single Leg hinge

  • Start doing this exercise with both feet on the floor and once you perfect this try doing from one leg 

  • In standing with slight bend in the knee, hinge forward letting the butt go back, keeping the spine straight

  • Feel a slight stretch in the back of the hip 

  • Now use that stretch to power the hips forward using those glutes – think about keeping the weight in the heels or pushing the heels into the ground to drive the hips forward 

  • Repeat 8x each side 3-4 sets 3x/week

Exercise #2 – Bulgarian Split Squats

Starting/Ending Position

Squat Position

  • Resting one foot on a chair/bench start in standing on one leg

  • Situate body weight in the heel then perform a squat thinking about keeping weight in the heel so you feel it more in the glute vs the thigh (make sure you are really sticking butt back to get that nice stretch in the back of the hip on the descent)

  • Then as you come up from the squat think about driving the heel into the floor and pushing the hip forward with the glute 

  • Repeat 8x each side 3-4 sets 3x/week

**Stay tuned for our next blog post in two weeks which will continue with the phase 3 progression which will take you from using your glutes to DRIVING with your glutes! It will ramp up the intensity to add some plyometrics which will increase your power during your workouts!

Written by: Kelsey Karnes PT, DPT


  1. Wagner T, et al. Strengthening and Neuromuscular Reeducation of the Gluteus Maximus in a Triathlete With Exercise-Associated Cramping of the Hamstrings. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy. 2010; 40(2): 112-119.

  2. Maughan RJ, Shirreffs SM. Muscle Cramping During Exercise: Causes, Solutions, and Questions Remaining. Sports Med. 2019;49(Suppl 2):115-124.