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Breathe Through the Holidays

How Mindful Breathing Can Ease Seasonal Stress

The holidays are that perfect blend of excitement and stress—like running a marathon while trying to wrap presents and remember where you parked. It can feel hard to find time for ourselves amidst the craziness of this time of year. One way we can help manage seasonal stress is with mindful breathing. 

Mindful breathing is a technique used to help calm the nervous system and allow you to stay focused on the present moment. It helps us activate our parasympathetic nervous system which lowers our heart rate, improves our response to stress, lowers blood pressure, and aids in digestion (a helpful add-on during the season of all the rich foods). It can also help with emotional regulation and sleep. 

So how does one perform mindful breathing? 

Well there are several different techniques you can try to tap into the benefits of mindful breathing. Below I’ve listed some options, so find a comfortable position and give them a try. 

Deep Diaphragmatic Breathing

Place your hands around the lower ribcage. 

Exhale fully feeling the ribcage narrow and draw in. 

As you take your next breath, inhale slowly trying to feel your ribcage expand in the front, sides and back keeping the neck and shoulders relaxed. 

Notice what areas feel easy to expand into and what areas feel harder. Focus on getting expansion with each breath in those trickier areas. 

Continue this practice of taking slow breaths in and out for several minutes. You can repeat this as needed or several times throughout the day. 

Box Breathing

Find a relaxing position. 

Exhale fully getting all the air out of your lungs. 

Inhale for a count of 4 seconds. 

Hold the breath for a count of 4 seconds. 

Then exhale fully for a count of 4 seconds. 

Repeat this several times to improve your focus, decrease stress and calm the nervous system. 

Alternate Nostril Breathing

Place the hand up towards the nose as if you are going to pinch your nostrils closed. 

Use your thumb to close one nostril, exhale fully through the open nostril. 

At the end of the exhale pause and release the pressure from your thumb and use your index or ring finger to close the other nostril as you inhale. 

Repeat alternating nostril closures for inhale then for the exhale. 

Ex using right hand: Close right nostril with right thumb as you exhale, pause releasing right nostril and closing left nostril with index finger as you inhale. Repeat alternating sides as you breathe in and out. 

4-7-8 Breathing 

Exhale fully to empty all the air from your lungs. 

Inhale gently for a count of 4 seconds. 

Hold the breath for a count of 7 seconds. 

Then exhale slowly and fully for a count of 8 seconds. 

Repeat for 1-2 minutes. 

4-7-8 breathing is a technique that some will need to work up to because it can feel unsettling to hold the breath for that duration or to exhale longer than the inhale. I recommend trying box breathing first and working up to this option if it feels good to you. 

Remember, amidst the hustle and bustle, taking a few mindful breaths is all it takes to reset, recharge, and find your calm—because a peaceful holiday season starts with a peaceful you.
